Mission & History

    Statement of Purpose  

    UnseenXS is a nonprofit community services organization linking families and individuals of underprivileged communities to services and support as needed or requested throughout the United States.  Our focus is to provide quality services at no out of pocket expense to the client preserving client dignity and empowering client initiative.

   The United States has an ever growing diverse population of underprivileged communities with limited or no access to the necessary resources for quality of life and sustained dignity.    

Currently on the U.S. Department of Census:

U.S. Census Bureau:




    "Our mission is to give individuals the controlling of their own growing for a lifetime habit of self-discipline.  Providing individuals with ownership of the following statement:

The best of my being is the UnseenXS”.



    UnseenXS is a nonprofit public benefit corporation, structured as a charitable organization, established with the California Secretary of State March 05, 2014.  Program expansion is always under development into multiple areas of community service needs.  Such areas of community service needs are inclusive of, but not limited to, community awareness, clinical counseling services, community development, community support, mental health services and support, and transition age youth services and support.